No Small Tasks

Considered one of the greatest musical minds of all time, Johann Sebastian Bach famously inscribed SDG on the bottom of his musical compositions: Soli Deo Gloria. The Latin phrase translates to Glory to God Alone. The famed composer was determined to dedicate his music and life to God's glory. Undoubtedly, Bach was aware of the excellent metaphor music serves for how we can live our lives for the glory of God. The famous composer knew well the significance of little things working in harmony to bring forth something glorious. Bach composed his world-famous pieces with individual and seemingly insignificant notes. Our lives are like musical compositions. Instead of musical notes, small tasks, thoughts, and actions compose our lives.

The Apostle Paul tells the church in Corinth that whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). The implications of this verse are staggering. Paul exhorts us to live in such a manner and with such intention that all our actions glorify God. Chores, shopping, expense reports, and driving to basketball practice are not glamorous undertakings, but they can are the routine labors that make up most of our day. In this space, we must live for God's glory. We glorify God by loving Him and keeping his commandments. In every little thing, we can obey God's commands: choosing to have a loving attitude when you otherwise would default to grumpiness, telling the truth when it's inconvenient, or genuinely thanking Him for the good gifts he gives. Giving God glory is not always through passion or excitement. It is living daily, walking in God's statutes.

There is an opportunity in everything we do to glorify Him. Everything becomes valuable and meaningful when we live to the glory of a living God.

There are no small tasks.


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